resiliency fund
what is a resiliency fund?
As an artist living off of the money made by work sold, it can often feel overwhelming when things go wrong in the studio. Cracks, work exploding in the kiln, glazes turning out wrong, being sick, needing to tend to other parts of my life or people in my life, or any other number of things that come with being an artist/human in the world can feel incredibly overwhelming when your income depends on work sold.
I have decided to created the resiliency fund to have a softer spot to land when things don’t go as planned. If you have the means and desire to help me along the way when I am in a hard spot in the studio this is the place to help out, this money will be tucked away for when it is needed. This ensures that I can move forward, pay my bills and move through some hard times with more ease and less worry.
You can donate any amount ($5 even helps) through the link!
thank you so much for considering, Erin Pattullo