Erin Pattullo owner and artist for Mortar and Stone ceramics is an artist based in the Texas hill country designing and making each piece by hand. Erin’s work is both design forward and comforting, holding the juxtaposition between ease and function. Erin’s work is inspired by natural materials and places of comfort.
We are officially settled into our new space and it feels so good.
here is a bit of my story to create more transparency between us.
As Some Of You Know….
I made the move to the Austin area (Lago Vista) 2 years ago, it’s not been the easiest of transitions and I would not be where I am today without your support! This past year I moved 3 different times and this last move was into my first home. After a trying 8 months or so, lots of tears, frustration, watching as the pandemic rage on, some moments of pure joy, and feeling every emotion that comes from a year of so many unknowns, I am now working from my home nestled in the Texas hill country.
The Plan Is….
We will continue doing monthly online shops, the next one is to be at the beginning of February. These shops will have some one of a kind pieces along with some staples and will have a limited quantity, commissions will open back up end of February, I will be producing some dinner sets that will be available this year, I’ll be working with some fantastic chefs creating work specifically for their dishes, doing a few pop-ups here and there and finding my place in this new community and leaning on my old one as well!
studio under the house (ground level)
The House..
It has been a dream to have a home of my own since I was small. I stumbled upon my home in August through my partners mom, she had a friend that wanted to sell their home that wasn’t on the market yet. When I went to look at the place for the first time I stepped through the threshold of the door and knew immediately that it was my home. Nestled in the hill country the home was built in ‘84 and has all the makings of a cozy cabin, wood paneling and all! I also own the lot next to me and hope that I can keep the wildness of the place alive and one day build a small studio there. Currently my studio is in the bottom part of my home, my community and I have made it into a beautiful workable little space. This week (1/4/22) is the first week I am able to make again after another 3.5 month forced break, while we turned a section of my house into a usable studio. and I am so glad to be back to it!
my dream is to make my home a place where some of you can come and rest, maybe a little artist retreat? ceramics retreat? not sure yet but as I settle back into making myself you can expect some real plans to come out of these dreams.
my family has been calling it the nest (can you see why?)
As you can imagine this has made quite a financial strain on I and this business.
by no means did I afford any of this on my own, I have excepted help from both of my parents, who have been generous to get me back on my feet.
When I left Denver I moved with the idea that I would be moving into a studio here in town; however when I moved out here (at the time living with some friends) it became clear over the next few months that the space was not going to happen. I had planned to take 2 months off anyway but found myself stunned at the loss of a huge reason why I moved to Texas and a little angry at myself for finding my business and I in such an unstable situation. I was able to live off the savings I had built before I left Denver for a while, I picked up a job at a winery for a few months and set up shop in a friends garage. Come month 4 I found myself quite stranded, feeling like maybe I hadn’t made the best decision to leave Denver, missing my old community, and the clock already ticking to be out of the garage where I was making work.
I asked my parents if they would help me buy my first home. I have been extremely fortunate to be backed by such supportive parents. Currently I am juggling a new mortgage, bills, paying off the work we did to make the studio and everyday expenses while I find my footing business wise and creatively.
if you would like to help by donating to a ‘resiliency fund’ to ensure that I can keep up with my bills while I settle back into making.
Donate the the resiliency fund here:
There is even a gift involved!
You can also donate though Venmo using:
This might be more appropriate if you just want to help me buy a few groceries, or a cup of coffee!
If you have any questions or comments, please reach out here!